[ZendTo] phpfpm and 5.10-2

Jules Field Jules at Zend.To
Tue Jul 3 10:10:05 BST 2018


Yes, you are absolutely correct, the installer does assume you are 
running an entire VM just for ZendTo.

That's part of the beauty of having VMs where before we only had 
physical servers, where you could either use the whole server or none of it.

A vast proportion of particularly small companies couldn't justify the 
cost of an entire server just to run ZendTo: most ZendTo servers spend 
most of their life idle, that's just the nature of the service ZendTo 

But they can very cheaply spin up a VM (or merely a container) just to 
run ZendTo.

So no longer do sysadmins have to cope with multiple web applications 
running simultaneously in the same filesystem with conflicting setups, 
different version requirements and so on. You can have 1 VM (or just 1 
container) for each web application. No more conflicts between 
applications, each runs separately and so the ongoing support costs are 
a fraction of the total amount they were with multiple apps on the same 

I've been a professional Unix (and Windows and Mac) sysadmin since 1995. 
We wouldn't be able to operate now, the way we used to when the only 
option was running multiple apps directly on the same physical iron.

Also, I switched away from providing a VM image "virtual appliance" for 
ZendTo to the Installer I provide now, because most large organisations 
now have pre-configured "template" VM images which contain their 
favourite Linux set up how they want it, with things like centralised 
logging, authentication, monitoring and so on already set up. It is far 
easier to run the Installer on top of a clone of the template, than it 
is to shoe-horn the centralised configs into an OS installation you had 
no control over.

I hope that helps explain why I've gone the route I have.
If you want to install it all manually, feel free. But take a look at 
the complexity of the Installer and work out exactly how sure you are 
that you won't miss something.

P.S. The email sending is now done using PHPMailer, it doesn't usually 
use any underlying MTA at all (unless you forget to configure it in 
preferences.php, at which point it has no option). If you don't use 
PHPMailer, you don't get HTML email messages from ZendTo, only plain 
text ones. The old code that relies on the underlying MTA is simply 
there for the benefit of people who upgrade badly and so may be running 
with an ancient preferences.php that doesn't contain the PHPMailer 
settings. I don't intend anyone to *choose* to use the old code, which 
is partly why it only does plain text emails and not pretty HTML ones.


On 03/07/2018 02:30, bbrendon at gmail.com wrote:
> You are right. Line out the " I think you are crazy. " part.
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 5:33 PM, Richard H. Burns 
> <burnsr at william.jewell.edu <mailto:burnsr at william.jewell.edu>> wrote:
>     I respect people having different opinions but disparaging
>     comments about someone who is providing the software free seems to
>     be a bridge too far. If you don’t like the software or the way it
>     works please don’t ruin it for the rest of us. I applaud Jules
>     work and his always pleasant attitude.
>     Speaking for myself, I most certainly do run a single VM for
>     Zendto. I plan on keeping it that way.
>     *Richard Burns*
>     */Server and Systems Administrator/*
>     Office 816.415.7633 <tel:816.415.7633>
>     William Jewell College | www.jewell.edu <http://www.jewell.edu/>
>     On Jul 2, 2018, at 5:28 PM, bbrendon--- via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to
>     <mailto:zendto at zend.to>> wrote:
>>     I think you are crazy. That installer basically assumes you're
>>     running an entire VM just for zendto. I would vote the installer
>>     works like other LAMP apps. This script is like big brother.
>>     1. apache - no thanks
>>     2. mod_php. no thanks
>>     3. ufw. no thanks
>>     4. postfix. I like exim thanks.
>>     I understand you're trying to make it easy, but you're also
>>     making it harder for people like me.
>>     On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 1:17 AM, Jules Field <Jules at zend.to
>>     <mailto:Jules at zend.to>> wrote:
>>         BB,
>>         To upgrade to 5.10, *please* use the ZendTo installer. This
>>         will upgrade your system pretty safely (grab your PHP
>>         settings first though, as it can't always avoid rewriting
>>         them from scratch), and install all the things you actually need.
>>         It pauses a lot along the way, and tells you what it's about
>>         to do, so you can always pause it while you go and check
>>         something out, before letting it continue.
>>         Cheers,
>>         Jules.
>>         On 01/07/2018 21:04, bbrendon--- via ZendTo wrote:
>>>         Previously I was running 4.12 and didn't have any issues.
>>>         I've updated to 5.10 and now I get errors about libsodium
>>>         not being installed or enabled. I verified it was enabled
>>>         but still get errors. For the moment I disabled encryption
>>>         in the app as I don't need new features.
>>>         I realize you don't test or run with phpfpm but just
>>>         mentioning this in case you ever go there.
>>>         -BB
>>>         _______________________________________________
>>>         ZendTo mailing list
>>>         ZendTo at zend.to <mailto:ZendTo at zend.to>
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>>         Jules
>>         -- 
>>         Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>>         How to stop time: kiss.
>>         How to travel in time: read.
>>         How to escape time: music.
>>         How to feel time: write.
>>         How to release time: breathe.
>>         www.Zend.To <http://www.Zend.To>
>>         Twitter: @JulesFM
>>         PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654
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>>     ZendTo mailing list
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'When I read Shakespeare I am struck with wonder
  That such trivial people should muse and thunder
  In such lovely language.' - D.H. Lawrence

Twitter: @JulesFM
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