[ZendTo] phpfpm and 5.10-2

bbrendon at gmail.com bbrendon at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 02:30:32 BST 2018

You are right. Line out the " I think you are crazy. " part.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 5:33 PM, Richard H. Burns <burnsr at william.jewell.edu>

> I respect people having different opinions but disparaging comments about
> someone who is providing the software free seems to be a bridge too far. If
> you don’t like the software or the way it works please don’t ruin it for
> the rest of us. I applaud Jules work and his always pleasant attitude.
> Speaking for myself, I most certainly do run a single VM for Zendto. I
> plan on keeping it that way.
> *Richard Burns*
> *Server and Systems Administrator*
> Office 816.415.7633
> William Jewell College | www.jewell.edu
> On Jul 2, 2018, at 5:28 PM, bbrendon--- via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to> wrote:
> I think you are crazy. That installer basically assumes you're running an
> entire VM just for zendto. I would vote the installer works like other LAMP
> apps. This script is like big brother.
> 1. apache - no thanks
> 2. mod_php. no thanks
> 3. ufw. no thanks
> 4. postfix. I like exim thanks.
> I understand you're trying to make it easy, but you're also making it
> harder for people like me.
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 1:17 AM, Jules Field <Jules at zend.to> wrote:
>> BB,
>> To upgrade to 5.10, *please* use the ZendTo installer. This will upgrade
>> your system pretty safely (grab your PHP settings first though, as it can't
>> always avoid rewriting them from scratch), and install all the things you
>> actually need.
>> It pauses a lot along the way, and tells you what it's about to do, so
>> you can always pause it while you go and check something out, before
>> letting it continue.
>> Cheers,
>> Jules.
>> On 01/07/2018 21:04, bbrendon--- via ZendTo wrote:
>> Previously I was running 4.12 and didn't have any issues.
>> I've updated to 5.10 and now I get errors about libsodium not being
>> installed or enabled. I verified it was enabled but still get errors. For
>> the moment I disabled encryption in the app as I don't need new features.
>> I realize you don't test or run with phpfpm but just mentioning this in
>> case you ever go there.
>> -BB
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>> Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>> How to stop time: kiss.
>> How to travel in time: read.
>> How to escape time: music.
>> How to feel time: write.
>> How to release time: breathe.
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