[ZendTo] Outbox - Export as CSV

jules at zend.to jules at zend.to
Fri Oct 28 12:26:42 BST 2022

Hi Glen,

The "Export as CSV" button should trigger your browser to download a CSV 
file. Check in your Downloads directory.

The words on the Show/Hide line should trigger appearance changes in the 
table. They only need clicking once. You don't double-click stuff on web 

If clicking once on a column and then (after a short delay) again on the 
same column, doesn't make that column appear/disappear from the table 
below, then something's gone wrong. It works for everyone else, so which 
browser are you using and have you tried in an Incognito/Private window 
with no browser extensions running, that may be getting in the way?


On 14/10/2022 6:38 pm, Glenn Borkenhagen via ZendTo wrote:
> Greetings -
> I will be the first to admit that I am a Linux newbie, but so far I 
> have not figured out how to use the "Export as CSV" button that 
> appears in Outbox.
> My ZendTo is Version 6.11-2 running on Ubuntu Server 20.04.  I have 
> checked for upgrades and it appears I am up to date.
> This is not urgent, I found the information I was seeking in the 
> zendto.log file.
> I see no response when I left-click the "Export as CSV" button. In 
> Windows applications this usually brings up a dialog asking where to 
> store the .CSV file.
> Is ZendTo writing out a CSV file someplace?  Where?  I tried using 
> find to locate it but did not find anything.
> Then there is the "Show or hide:" line.  There I do not see any 
> indication of what is selected or deselected.  If I left-click a word 
> there is no change.  If I double-left-click a word, such as All, in 
> that line it becomes highlighted, but this also happens with any word 
> anyplace on the screen.
> I looked through the archives back to October 2019 and did not see any 
> subject lines mentioning anything to do with this.
> Glenn Borkenhagen
> Cody, Wyoming USA
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'All mushrooms are edible, but some are edible only once.'
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