[ZendTo] Login not available

Ken Etter KLE at msktd.com
Fri Mar 27 18:58:57 GMT 2020

What group and owner applies to the template files?

If I comment out the localIPSubnets line, then I get a login page,
although it looks quite a bit different.

>>> <zend.to at neilzone.co.uk> 3/27/2020 2:40 PM >>>

On 27 Mar 2020, at 18:30, Ken Etter <KLE at msktd.com> wrote:

Subnets are correct - nothing changed there.  I double checked
internaldomains.conf - that is still correct, but I agree probably not
the cause.  Recopied the template folder, but no change.  Nothing
showing up in the apache error logs.  I've attached a screen capture of
what we are seeing.  Really just odd.

I had exactly the same yesterday.

It was copying the templates across which fixed it for me.

It *shouldn’t* make a difference, but have you:

a.) verified you are running the latest version (another apt-get update
&& apt-get upgrade); and
b.) restarted apache? (service apache2 restart  / systemctl restart




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