[ZendTo] About wrong sender organisation fix

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Apr 9 18:33:28 BST 2020


I suggest you download the tgz of the version immediately prior to where 
that bug-fix is mentioned, and the one where it is mentioned. Look on 
the website for the URL of the latest tgz, and you'll easily see how to 
construct the URL for any arbitrary version. All the old versions are 
there on the website, I don't delete stuff if at all possible.

Unpack them in two different directories "zendto-old" and "zendto-new" 
and use
     diff -Naur zendto-old zendto-new
to find all the changes.
With luck I will have commented the change/fix in the source so it 
should be fairly easy to find.

Sorry I can't remember what or where the fix(es) were. :-(

Hope that helps!

On 09/04/2020 14:44, Ionescu Gigel via ZendTo wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am running ZendTo 5.21-2 Prod.
> I saw this in changelogs: Fixed bug where dropoffs that were the 
> result of requests would have the wrong sender's organisation displayed
> I would like to know how to fix this myself as we have this bug in the 
> production environment and we've done a lot of customisation to fit 
> our internal needs and upgrading now would take a lot of time.
> ZendTo has many new interesting features and can't wait to upgrade, 
> but there are other priorities in here right now.
> Regards,
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'It's very unlikely indeed he will ever recover consciousness, and
  if he does he won't be the Julian you knew.'
   - A hospital consultant I proved very wrong in 2007 :-)

Twitter: @JulesFM

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