[ZendTo] About wrong sender organisation fix

Ionescu Gigel downloadmalware at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 13:53:46 BST 2020

Thanks, Jules!

Line 2323
+       $senderOrganization = ''; // Want sender of drop-off, not of req!

În joi, 9 apr. 2020 la 20:33, Jules <Jules at zend.to> a scris:

> Ionescu,
> I suggest you download the tgz of the version immediately prior to where
> that bug-fix is mentioned, and the one where it is mentioned. Look on the
> website for the URL of the latest tgz, and you'll easily see how to
> construct the URL for any arbitrary version. All the old versions are there
> on the website, I don't delete stuff if at all possible.
> Unpack them in two different directories "zendto-old" and "zendto-new" and
> use
>     diff -Naur zendto-old zendto-new
> to find all the changes.
> With luck I will have commented the change/fix in the source so it should
> be fairly easy to find.
> Sorry I can't remember what or where the fix(es) were. :-(
> Hope that helps!
> Jules.
> On 09/04/2020 14:44, Ionescu Gigel via ZendTo wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am running ZendTo 5.21-2 Prod.
> I saw this in changelogs: Fixed bug where dropoffs that were the result of
> requests would have the wrong sender's organisation displayed
> I would like to know how to fix this myself as we have this bug in the
> production environment and we've done a lot of customisation to fit our
> internal needs and upgrading now would take a lot of time.
> ZendTo has many new interesting features and can't wait to upgrade, but
> there are other priorities in here right now.
> Regards,
> _______________________________________________
> ZendTo mailing listZendTo at zend.tohttp://jul.es/mailman/listinfo/zendto
> Jules
> --
> 'It's very unlikely indeed he will ever recover consciousness, and
>  if he does he won't be the Julian you knew.'
>   - A hospital consultant I proved very wrong in 2007 :-)
> www.Zend.To
> Twitter: @JulesFM
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