[ZendTo] ANNOUNCE: Production release 5.21-1

Jules Field Jules at Zend.To
Fri Aug 9 23:33:53 BST 2019


“jq” is only needed for the automation interface to ZendTo so you can drive it from the command line. The web app itself will work perfectly well without it. 

jq is a command line utility that can parse JSON and extract values from it. The automation interface replies in JSON. 


> On 9 Aug 2019, at 10:20 pm, Ken Etter via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to> wrote:
> Thanks Michael.  It appears there isn't an official package for SP4, but maybe I can get it to work regardless.  I'll have to dig into this next week.
> Ken
> >>> "YOUNG, MICHAEL A." <m.a.young at durham.ac.uk> 8/9/2019 5:17 PM >>>
> On Fri, 9 Aug 2019, Ken Etter via ZendTo wrote:
> > I'm currently running 5.15-1.  I was under the impression that I just needed
> > to download the latest installer and run it and that would update me to the
> > latest version.  Just tried that, but no version change.  So what is the
> > current process?  I'm running on SUSE, so I don't use apt-get or yum.
> For SUSE you could look at
> https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=utilities&package=jq
> I am not an expert on SUSE but it looks like you need the utilities repo.
>     Michael Young
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