[ZendTo] Migration woes

Jules Field Jules at Zend.To
Fri May 25 16:42:53 BST 2018

Check the ownership and permissions of /var/zendto/zendto.sqlite. It 
needs to be read+writeable by the web server, so basically the same 
ownership and r/w permissions as the /var/zendto/incoming directory has.


On 18/04/2018 07:51, Giddings, Bret via ZendTo wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m trying to do a migration from 3.71(!!) to the latest version. 
> Using information at 
> http://jul.es/pipermail/zendto/2014-February/002309.html, I have 
> successfully been able to port the DB (sqlite2 to sqlite3) and dropped 
> off files from the older server to a new one. This lets me pick up 
> files that we’re previously on the old server. However, when trying to 
> drop off anything on the new server, I am getting an error of
> /Database Error/
> //
> /Database failure writing authentication key. Please notify the system 
> administrator./
> In the GUI and
> /Error: failed to add authdata for bret at essex.ac.uk to authtable/
> //
> In the zendto.log. I’ve checked that the authtable structure is the 
> same between versions and can insert the data that DBWriteAuthData 
> attempts to write if I interact with the DB via the command line.
> Have I missed anything?
> Thanks,
> Bret
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'No more impressive warning can be given to those who would confine
  knowledge and rsearch to what is apparently useful, than the
  reflection that conic sections were studied for eighteen hundred
  years merely as an abstract science, without regard to any utility
  other than to satisfy the craving for knowledge on the part of
  mathematicians, and that then at the end of this long period of
  abstract study, they were found to be the necessary key with which
  to attain the knowledge of the most important laws of nature.'
  - Alfred North Whitehead

Twitter: @JulesFM
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