[ZendTo] ANNOUNCE: Version 4.20-1 released

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Fri Jan 20 12:57:02 GMT 2017

I have just updated all the documentation on the website.

So everything should be explained now.

All (constructive) comments welcome!

Have a good weekend.


On 19/01/2017 17:50, Jules wrote:
> I have just made the new version 4.20-1 publicly available.
> I haven't yet had a chance to update all the download and installation
> instructions on the website, so for now please go to
>       http://zend.to/beta.php
> That contains a list of all the major changes, including instructions on
> how to use the new installer and what it will do for you.
> It also contains links to the installer (for new systems) and the rpm,
> deb and tgz files.
> The public yum and apt repositories have also been updated. If you are
> already using them on your ZendTo server, you should follow the
> instructions on either
>       http://zend.to/yum.php
> or
>       http://zend.to/apt.php
> as appropriate.
> Apt users: note that I have upgraded the
> http://zend.to/files/zendto-repo.deb file, so you will need to upgrade
> that before doing 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade zendto'.
> Hopefully I will get time to update all the docs on the website tomorrow.
> But it's now out there, and it works for me.
> Please let me know how you get on!
> Cheers,
> Jules


Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng

'I've heard that it's possible to grow up. I've just never met
  anyone who's actually done it.' - Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

Twitter: @JulesFM
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