[ZendTo] Re: Small Note on changes in version 4.12

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Mon Jun 15 15:45:33 BST 2015

You need to add (all paths have /opt/zendto/ on the front of them):
www/css/jquery-ui.min.css  — from jquery-ui-themes-1.11.4/themes/smoothness
www/css/images — whole directory of png files from 
www/js/jquery-ui-1.11.4.min.js — from jquery-ui-1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js

and then modify
so the lines that mention "jquery" point to your local copies of the 
files (beware that I added the jquery-ui version number into 
jquery-ui.min.js!) instead of the code.jquery.com files.

Then you should be able to press refresh in your browser and it should 
load the files from your webserver and not jquery.com.

I'll include this in 4.12-6 and onwards, but I don't think it's really 
worth producing a new version of the package just for this. If I 
re-release it, everyone's systems will need careful checking after they 
next "yum update" or whatever.

Please do let me know if you think I've got anything wrong.
I've checked my Apache error.log and access.log and it seems to be 
fetching the right things from the right places.


On 15/06/2015 12:49, Eythor Thorsteinsson wrote:
> Hi Jules,
> This jquery thing is actually just a remnant of the patch...it was 
> easier not to have to add the jquery file as well, so I just directed 
> it to the jquery-ui site.
> You can simply download/wget the jquery file from e.g. here:
> http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.js or
> http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js
> and include that. I'm not sure about the jquery-ui packages, but there 
> is probably a minified version there as well you could use
> --Eythor
>> On 15 Jun 2015, at 11:17, Jules <Jules at zend.to 
>> <mailto:Jules at zend.to>> wrote:
>> On 15/06/2015 11:21, Der PCFreak wrote:
>>> Hi Jules,
>>> I upgraded by ZendTo installation today which was no big hassle.
>>> One thing I found during comparing my configuration files with meld 
>>> <http://meldmerge.org/> was that you added this 2 lines of code to 
>>> new_dropoff.tpl
>>> <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.js 
>>> <http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.js>"></script>
>>> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dropoff.js"></script>
>>> The result will be, that we will pull jquery-ui.js from 
>>> code.jquery.com <http://code.jquery.com> and not from our local 
>>> server. I understand why you do this (immediate updates on security 
>>> flaws etc.) but on the other hand wouldn't it be better to keep this 
>>> file local?
>> Yes, fair point. Do I need to include any other files from 
>> code.jquery.com <http://code.jquery.com> in the "/opt/zendto/www/js" 
>> directory apart from the jquery-ui.js (version 1.11.4 is current now) ?
>> If I download jqueryui from the jqueryui.com <http://jqueryui.com> 
>> website, I get a zip file full of all sorts of things. Do I need to 
>> include all those files, or just the single jquery-ui.js file?
>>> I understand, that I can of course change it myself and using a 
>>> local copy but I am interested in your opinion and decision making 
>>> process while I would also point this out to others.
>>> Another small change I saw was
>>> preferences.php:         'authIMAPAdmin'  => array(),
>>> preferences.php.rpmnew:  'authIMAPAdmins' => array(),
>>> I do not use IMAP so this made no problem but I am just wondering if 
>>> this was a typo of me or did this value really change?
>> It was probably originally a typo by me. It should be 
>> "authIMAPAdmins" with an s on the end.
>>> And I had to renew/recreate a reCAPTCHA key at Google and update the 
>>> keys which was no problem.
>> Yes, it appears some people need to and others don't. The key 
>> management Google site listed all my old keys.
>>> Everything seems to work good so far.
>>> Kind regards and thanks for the good work
>> My pleasure. :-)
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> Jules
> -- 
> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng
> 'Ever since the dawn of civilization, people have craved for an
>   understanding of the underlying order of the world: why it is as
>   it is, and why it exists at all. But even if we do find a complete
>   theory of everything, it is just a set of rules and equations. What
>   is it that breathes fire into the equations, and makes a universe
>   for them to describe?' - Stephen Hawking
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