[ZendTo] Re: Small Note on changes in version 4.12

Eythor Thorsteinsson eythort at menandmice.com
Mon Jun 15 12:49:00 BST 2015

Hi Jules, 

This jquery thing is actually just a remnant of the patch...it was easier not to have to add the jquery file as well, so I just directed it to the jquery-ui site. 

You can simply download/wget the jquery file from e.g. here:
http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.js <http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.js> or
http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js <http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js>

and include that. I'm not sure about the jquery-ui packages, but there is probably a minified version there as well you could use


> On 15 Jun 2015, at 11:17, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:
> On 15/06/2015 11:21, Der PCFreak wrote:
>> Hi Jules,
>> I upgraded by ZendTo installation today which was no big hassle.
>> One thing I found during comparing my configuration files with meld <http://meldmerge.org/> was that you added this 2 lines of code to new_dropoff.tpl
>> <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.js"></script>
>> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dropoff.js"></script>
>> The result will be, that we will pull jquery-ui.js from code.jquery.com and not from our local server. I understand why you do this (immediate updates on security flaws etc.) but on the other hand wouldn't it be better to keep this file local?
> Yes, fair point. Do I need to include any other files from code.jquery.com in the "/opt/zendto/www/js" directory apart from the jquery-ui.js (version 1.11.4 is current now) ?
> If I download jqueryui from the jqueryui.com website, I get a zip file full of all sorts of things. Do I need to include all those files, or just the single jquery-ui.js file?
>> I understand, that I can of course change it myself and using a local copy but I am interested in your opinion and decision making process while I would also point this out to others.
>> Another small change I saw was
>> preferences.php:         'authIMAPAdmin'  => array(),
>> preferences.php.rpmnew:  'authIMAPAdmins' => array(),
>> I do not use IMAP so this made no problem but I am just wondering if this was a typo of me or did this value really change?
> It was probably originally a typo by me. It should be "authIMAPAdmins" with an s on the end.
>> And I had to renew/recreate a reCAPTCHA key at Google and update the keys which was no problem.
> Yes, it appears some people need to and others don't. The key management Google site listed all my old keys.
>> Everything seems to work good so far.
>> Kind regards and thanks for the good work
> My pleasure. :-)
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