[ZendTo] Re: Personal WebDAV space

Der PCFreak mailinglists at pcfreak.de
Fri May 23 06:52:44 BST 2014


I think you just have to setup the correct configuration and 
permissions. I have a similar setup with SAMBA.
I installed SAMBA and enabled the Library function.

I setup the homes share with the following settings (smb.conf)

         comment = WIDROP Library Directory
         hide dot files = yes
         browseable = no
         writable = yes
         valid users = %S
         writeable = yes
         force create mode = 2774
         create mode = 000
         directory mode = 0700
         guest ok = no

So you get a share for each user


Try to understand

force create mode = 2774
create mode = 000

I setup users the following way (samba users)

# create the user
useradd -d /var/zendto/library/$myuser -K MAIL_DIR=/tmp -m -k 
/etc/dropskel -N -s /sbin/nologin $myuser
# remove the created mailbox file from /tmp
rm -f /tmp/$myuser
# set the default rights for the new folder
chgrp -R apache /var/zendto/library/$myuser
chmod -R 2774 /var/zendto/library/$myuser

I previously created the skeleton /etc/dropskel

I think this should be possible with WebDAV if you do the permissions 

Kind regards


On 21.05.2014 13:20, global.networking.group at havasmg.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to configure webdav on zendto, but I'm thinking that my
> desired goal is a bit far from the main zendto's webdav functionality.
> The idea is to make a personal webdav folder for each user and give to
> them the capacity for managing their contents by themselves but without
> having access to any other user information. The problem now is, if you
> create a webdav user, it is able to access the root webdav directory
> "/var/library/" instead of being limited only to its personal folder
> "/var/library/USER/".
> Is there anything we can do in order to reach this goal?.
> ZendTo 4.11-14
> Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
> Regards and many thanks in advance,
> Marcos.
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