[ZendTo] Upload Error

Scheller, Markus Markus.Scheller at Palm-gruppe.de
Wed Jan 8 10:54:24 GMT 2014

When I process the "Request a Drop-off" button for an external User, the User cannot upload any File. The Error is
Upload Error

You must be logged in as a Southampton user in order to drop-off a file for a non-Southampton user.

Return to the ZendTo main menu to log in and then try again

I Set The time to Europe/Berlin

Freundliche Grüße
i.A. Markus Scheller

Palm Verpackungsgruppe
Postfach 16 05
73406 Aalen-Neukochen

Tel.:        +49 7361 577 - 187
Mail:       markus.scheller at palm-gruppe.de

Geschäftsführung: Rainer Schillberg
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