[ZendTo] Re: Per-user library

Achim J. Latz achim+zendto at qustodium.net
Wed Jan 9 15:20:12 GMT 2013

Hello Jules:

On 08/01/2013 16:18, Jules wrote:
> Also note that in the UI if you have per-user directories and a user
> doesn't have a directory, they get the global top-level files if there
> are any, and they don't get shown the option of selecting a file at all
> if there aren't any files there. So you can just implement the library
> for those users who need it, without confusing all the rest of your
> users who won't understand it.

Personally, I do not understand the need for a "global" library of 
files, but I guess there are situations where that can be useful.

See my other messages for how to create a per-user folder dynamically 
that can be used to connect via Finder/Explorer/Nautilus/... to 
drag&drop files onto the server.

I like the way ZendTo was already prepared to "do the right thing" with 
respect to per-user folders!

Is there a reason why uploaded files are not added to the user's library 
by default, or can this be enabled? In case this is possible, we could 
re-use create_user_dir.php from the other message to create a user 
library/directory on the fly if it does not exist.

One more thing: would it be possible to use apache/http authentication 
for the web application as well? That way, users that want to browse 
/library can also drop-off and pick up immediately, without having to 
enter the same user & pass a second time in the (already authenticated) 

>> Jules, would it also be possible to make the search for library files to
>> show in the drop-down menu recursive? At the moment, only the top level
>> of any hierarchy is shown.
> Possible, yes. Do you want them to be shown in the UI with the directory
> name and / separator?

yes, exactly. All in /var/zendto/:

/library/user1 at domain.tld/level1
/library/user1 at domain.tld/project1/level2
/library/user1 at domain.tld/project2/level2

could show as

project1 / level2
project2 / level2

>> It would be very handy to be able to create sub-folders and select files
>> contained in those sub-folders as well (e.g.
>> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/project_1 and
>> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/project_2, as opposed to
>> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/ ONLY at the moment).
> The snag is that it will need to show the subdirectories for user
> folders, but not for the global list. As the folders off that *are* the
> users. Bit messy...

In my case, we could even leave out the global folder, as I don't use 
that functionality. Would make a first version easier :-D

Cheers, Achim

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