[ZendTo] Re: Per-user library

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Jan 10 09:19:53 GMT 2013

On 09/01/2013 15:20, Achim J. Latz wrote:
> Personally, I do not understand the need for a "global" library of
> files, but I guess there are situations where that can be useful.
If you're using ZendTo in a tech support call centre, that needs to be 
able to send patches and other standard programs to customers, it's 
exactly what you need so all call centre operators are sending up to 
date files.
> I like the way ZendTo was already prepared to "do the right thing" with
> respect to per-user folders!
> Is there a reason why uploaded files are not added to the user's library
> by default, or can this be enabled? In case this is possible, we could
> re-use create_user_dir.php from the other message to create a user
> library/directory on the fly if it does not exist.
Because much of the time, you don't want every file you send to be added 
to the library. In our use cases here, that would be a total nightmare 
and cause an utter management PITA.
> One more thing: would it be possible to use apache/http authentication
> for the web application as well? That way, users that want to browse
> /library can also drop-off and pick up immediately, without having to
> enter the same user & pass a second time in the (already authenticated)
> browser.
Why use the library in a web browser? Far better to open it in Windows 
Explorer or Mac Finder, where it just behaves as a normal filesystem. I 
never intended the web browser to be used as the client when editing the 
contents of the library.
>>> Jules, would it also be possible to make the search for library files to
>>> show in the drop-down menu recursive? At the moment, only the top level
>>> of any hierarchy is shown.
>> Possible, yes. Do you want them to be shown in the UI with the directory
>> name and / separator?
> yes, exactly. All in /var/zendto/:
> /library
> /library/user1 at domain.tld/level1
> /library/user1 at domain.tld/project1/level2
> /library/user1 at domain.tld/project2/level2
> could show as
> level1
> project1 / level2
> project2 / level2
>>> It would be very handy to be able to create sub-folders and select files
>>> contained in those sub-folders as well (e.g.
>>> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/project_1 and
>>> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/project_2, as opposed to
>>> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/ ONLY at the moment).
>> The snag is that it will need to show the subdirectories for user
>> folders, but not for the global list. As the folders off that *are* the
>> users. Bit messy...
> In my case, we could even leave out the global folder, as I don't use
> that functionality. Would make a first version easier :-D
No, not leaving out the global folder. Not just because you don't happen 
to use it. Lots of people do.

I'll have a think, don't expect anything in a rush.
> Jules
> -- 
> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng
> 'When I read Shakespeare I am struck with wonder
>   That such trivial people should muse and thunder
>   In such lovely language.' - D.H. Lawrence
> www.Zend.To
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