[ZendTo] Re: ob_flush Error

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu May 24 10:32:39 BST 2012

I've just done your first change for now. I can't output strings of 
spaces, as this is in the code that downloads the file you've asked for, 
in which you obviously don't want loads of extra " " characters!

We'll see how this goes.


On 23/05/2012 13:50, Phil Daws wrote:
> The quick fix would be to change the code as-follows from:
>          //  Open the file:
>          $fptr = fopen($this->_claimDir."/".$fileList[0]['tmpname'],'rb');
> too:
>          //  Open the file:
>          ob_start();
>          $fptr = fopen($this->_claimDir."/".$fileList[0]['tmpname'],'rb');
> though from reading about flush on the PHP site a good suggestion is to create a new flush function eg:
> function flush (){
>      echo(str_repeat(' ',256));
>      // check that buffer is actually set before flushing
>      if (ob_get_length()){
>          @ob_flush();
>          @flush();
>          @ob_end_flush();
>      }
>      @ob_start();
> }
> and then just call flush() and be done with ob_flush().


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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