[ZendTo] Re: unconditional use of stripslashes, missing backslashes.

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Feb 7 09:30:50 GMT 2012

On 06/02/2012 10:05, Joerg Streibhardt wrote:
> Hi Jules,
> I'll do my best to check the source. Though I'm not aware of a
> dedicated software for an audit.
Looks like changing them all to prepared statements is going to be a 
right pain due to gaping holes in the PHP 5.2 mysqli library. So for now 
I have just been through every parameter to ensure it is properly 
escaped. Hopefully that won't break anything! (I'll do some testing).
> Could you please replace the calls to stripslashes by a call to
> something else, say a global method
> zendToParamPrepare($value) {
>    return get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($value):$value;
> }
> called as "$paramValue = zendToParamPrepare($_GET['something']);"
> This way it'll keep working just fine on systems with magic quotes enabled.


> Cheers
> Jörg
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Jules<Jules at zend.to>  wrote:
>> Agreed. I have a feeling there are still one or two places in the code that
>> don't use prepared statements. I should just go through these and fix them.
>> If I send you a version with only prepared statements, and no calls to
>> stripslashes, can you do a proper security audit of the resulting system for
>> me please?
>> Anyone out there got any tools for specifically security-proving websites
>> based on PHP?
>> Jules.
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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