[ZendTo] New Install on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Clements, Timothy rtclements at varnumlaw.com
Thu Feb 2 16:35:42 GMT 2012


I have the impression that not many build their ZendTo servers on Ubuntu, but if someone has done this before, perhaps you can help me.

I have the basic system up and running internally with http: access, using the 'default' sites-available config file.  When I attempt to add the four lines of code needed to re-direct http: requests to https:, or if I try https: initially, I get an 'unable to connect' message with a note that there was a problem loading the page in Firefox.  Chrome switches to https:, but still can't find the initial page.  Looking at the access.log, it appears that the default page is not being passed through the way I see this happen when I am running without the https redirect code.

I've also modified the 'default-ssl' file in the sites-enabled directory to point to the correct directory for the zendto .php files. I also edited the .key and .crt lines in that file (although the example pointed to a .pem file rather than a .crt file, and I don't have a .pem file from GoDaddy).

Using a phpinfo() page I created, it looks like the necessary modules are loaded and that the HTTP_HOST and REQUEST_URI variables are available.

Can anyone suggest something I am missing?

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