[ZendTo] Re: IPv6 support

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed May 18 22:39:23 BST 2011

On 18/05/2011 19:18, Steve Glendinning wrote:
> Hi zend.to <http://zend.to> community,
> First of all, thanks loads for the amazing zend.to <http://zend.to> 
> project, it's a really handy tool.
> I have it deployed here on a dual-stacked server (IPv4 and IPv6). 
>  When accessing the site via IPv6, Apache serves the php pages fine 
> but the application doesn't work as expected.  It allows a user to log 
> in, but then if I re-request the same page it "forgets" I'm logged in 
> and asks me to log in again.
That is usually caused by cookie problems, but I will check other causes 
and set up an IPv6-only site to test it.
> I had a quick look through the code to see if I could spot anything. 
>  One IPv6 issue I saw that probably isn't the cause of this (but isn't 
> going to help further down the line) is the database contains 15 
> character text fields for IP addresses.  These will need to be longer 
> to hold an IPv6 address.  Maybe other code also assumes the same?
I can change the database schema to fix this, but it will only help 
future installations and not current ones. I haven't specifically 
excluded IPv6 from the code, but will give it a look, as we are very 
pro-IPv6 in my department.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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