[ZendTo] Re: A few issues...

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Jun 16 10:49:51 BST 2011

On 15/06/2011 17:23, Brad Beckenhauer wrote:
> I downloaded the current Zendto 4.02-1 64bit Centos vm, did a yum 
> update zendto and compared the installed packages.
> Somehow I had missed the php52-pear, php52-pecl-apc and 
> php52-pecl-memcache packages during the upgrade from Zendto version 
> 3.63.   I installed those three packages and the Upload progress bar 
> now works with the useRealProgressBar set to 'TRUE'. - (yea fixed one).
These are mention on zend.to/centos.php. But agreed, my upgrade guide 
could be clearer.
> During the upgrade, I followed the docs from the zend.to website for 
> the upgrade to 4.02, however I could not get the package names to 
> match up during the php rpmbuild section on CentOS and found a google 
> post referencing the problem I was having (perhaps we could add the 
> relevant bits to the website).
> Note: the rpmbuild %{dist} tag isn't defined on CentOS 5 because it 
> isn't in /etc/rpm/macros.disttag
> So when "rpmbuild -ba php52.spec" generates the binary files the 
> resulting binary files have a double dot in the file names.
> Reference: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5135502/rpmbuild-dist-not-defined-on-centos-5-5
> Options are:
> Option 1: Do nothing an let rpmbuild create the binary with the double 
> periods just like the text:
>      rpmbuild -ba php52.spec
> Option 2: Specify the 'dist' during the rpmbuild.
>      rpmbuild -ba --define 'dist el5' php52.spec
I have added that extra command-line parameter to the docs. Thanks for that.
> Question: After building the PHP packages, could the installed PHP 
> packages be left on the vm?
Not sure quite what you mean. After you've built them, you have to 
install them.
> I also noted that the Centos 4.02-1 vm has a bunch of -devel- packages 
> installed which where probably used during a PHP upgrade.  I noticed 
> the -devel- as I 
> had read /opt/zendto/docs/building-vm/HOWTO-CentOS.txt where you 
> removed the -devel- packages as part of the CentOS build (BTW...  I 
> loved that you left the txt files).
The devel packages could be removed, but they normally aren't huge and 
don't cause any problems. So I just left them there.
> Julian,  thank you for your considerable efforts on this product!
And thank you for your input and suggestions!


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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