[ZendTo] Re: A few issues...

Brad Beckenhauer bbecken at aafp.org
Fri Jun 17 14:51:47 BST 2011

   I did not use the zend.to/centos.php page as that page states it is for new installations, so that's probably why I missed the php52-pear, php52-pecl-apc and php52-pecl-memcache packages.
Since I had an existing v3.63 system and needed to upgrade the PHP package, I used the http://zend.to/phpfix.php page which does not mention those php packages.  So I see now where I missed those packages.


On 15/06/2011 17:23, Brad Beckenhauer wrote: 

I downloaded the current Zendto 4.02-1 64bit Centos vm, did a yum update zendto and compared the installed packages.
Somehow I had missed the php52-pear, php52-pecl-apc and php52-pecl-memcache packages during the upgrade from Zendto version 3.63.   I installed those three packages and the Upload progress bar now works with the useRealProgressBar set to 'TRUE'. - (yea fixed one).
These are mention on zend.to/centos.php. But agreed, my upgrade guide could be clearer.

During the upgrade, I followed the docs from the zend.to website for the upgrade to 4.02, however I could not get the package names to match up during the php rpmbuild section on CentOS and found a google post referencing the problem I was having (perhaps we could add the relevant bits to the website).
Note: the rpmbuild %{dist} tag isn't defined on CentOS 5 because it isn't in /etc/rpm/macros.disttag
So when "rpmbuild -ba php52.spec" generates the binary files the resulting binary files have a double dot in the file names.
Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5135502/rpmbuild-dist-not-defined-on-centos-5-5
Options are:
Option 1: Do nothing an let rpmbuild create the binary with the double periods just like the text:  
     rpmbuild -ba php52.spec
Option 2: Specify the 'dist' during the rpmbuild.
     rpmbuild -ba --define 'dist el5' php52.spec
I have added that extra command-line parameter to the docs. Thanks for that.

Question: After building the PHP packages, could the installed PHP packages be left on the vm?
Not sure quite what you mean. After you've built them, you have to install them.

I also noted that the Centos 4.02-1 vm has a bunch of -devel- packages installed which where probably used during a PHP upgrade.  I noticed the -devel- as I had read /opt/zendto/docs/building-vm/HOWTO-CentOS.txt where you removed the -devel- packages as part of the CentOS build (BTW...  I loved that you left the txt files).
The devel packages could be removed, but they normally aren't huge and don't cause any problems. So I just left them there.

Julian,  thank you for your considerable efforts on this product!
And thank you for your input and suggestions!

Julian Field MEng CITP CEngwww.Zend.To
Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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