[ZendTo] Re: New user interface -- Final beta

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Apr 7 11:48:28 BST 2011

On 07/04/2011 11:02, Barry Kwok wrote:
> May be I need to explain in more details. I am only referring to 
> "Request to a drop-off" process.
Ah, okay, that makes more sense.
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Jules <Jules at zend.to 
> <mailto:Jules at zend.to>> wrote:
>     On 07/04/2011 09:05, Barry Kwok wrote:
>>     Along with the feature of "Request a drop-off". I also have a few
>>     suggestions:
>>     1. Allow the user to know how many/details requests have made. Is
>>     the request have responded?
>     Not sure I understand your English here. If you look at a Drop-off
>     in your Outbox, you can see a list of all the people who have
>     downloaded it at the bottom of the page.
> You have inbox and outbox for pickup and dropoff  respectively for 
> user. But there is no record to let user know what requests have 
> made.  With this list (may be I call it waiting list), the user will 
> know how many requests they are waiting and will not make duplicate 
> request. This also show that the users "something has been done but 
> waiting".
Agreed. But the timeout on the requests is intentionally very short, so 
this list would always be very small.
>>     2. Allow the user to delete the request
>     If you are the sender or the only recipient, you can delete the
>     Drop-off via your Outbox or Inbox.
> It give a chance to user to delete a "Request a Drop-off" after the 
> request have sent. May be it is a duplicate or send to wrong person.
>>     3. Allow the user to set the expiry date of the request.
>     This is a possible future feature, but not going to do it now. I
>     would just offer a drop-down where you could list, say, 5
>     different lengths of time to keep the request. Currently it
>     expires after the time set in preferences.php which defaults to 2
>     weeks.
> That's enough. Thank you very much.
I'll add them to the requested list of features.


> --barry
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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