[ZendTo] rrdInit.php error

Naz Snidanko nsnidanko at harperpowerproducts.com
Fri Jul 16 13:56:24 BST 2010

Hi Everyone,


To begin; I've been following development of ZendTo for sometime. We
actually have this product in production working with 3 AD domains.


I've been getting email reports of my cron jobs for ZendTo and the
following error message keeps appearing:


/usr/bin/php /home/zendto/sbin/rrdInit.php





/usr/bin/rrdtool update /home/zendto/data/rrd/dropbox.rrd


ERROR: /home/zendto/data/rrd/dropbox.rrd: illegal attempt to update
using time 1279080000 when last update time is 1279080000 (minimum one
second step)

>From what I understand there's something wrong with rrdInit.php. That
happens whenever script attempts to update an RRD file using a timestamp
that was already used previously.


Please advice,

Naz Snidanko

Desktop & Network Support

Harper Power Products Inc.

(p) 416 201- 7506

nsnidanko at harperpowerproducts.com
<mailto:nsnidanko at harperpowerproducts.com> 

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