[ZendTo] autorequest API assistance

Gregg Douglas douglagm at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 10:06:04 GMT 2021


With external users unable to edit the Subject line when doing a Drop-off,
I thought of using the "autorequest" script as it has the option to add a

However, I keep on getting an error:

{"status":"error","error":"request error: The end time you set has already
passed. Use the Back button in your browser to go back and fix this error
before trying again."}

I get the error even if I exclude the "expirydatetime" as in the
documentation example.

Here is the command I am running with the "expirydatetime" option:

./autorequest --username 'apiuser' --password 'apipsw' --sendername 'test'
--senderemail 'xxx' --senderorg 'Test Org' --subject 'Test Subject'
--recipientname 'Gregg' --recipientemail 'xxxx' --expirydatetime
'2021-02-03 00:00:00' --note 'This is a note' https://xxxxxx/

  Here is the command I am running without the "expirydatetime" option:

  ./autorequest --username 'apiuser' --password 'apipsw' --sendername
'test' --senderemail 'xxx' --senderorg 'Test Org' --subject 'Test Subject'
--recipientname 'Gregg' --recipientemail 'xxxx' --note 'This is a note'

I am note sure what I am doing wrong here?

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