[ZendTo] Patch for recaptcha and tne new_dropoff.js problem (for the beta)

Santiago Garcia Mantinan manty at manty.net
Fri Sep 11 11:27:19 BST 2020


> You could change it to "{$zendToURL}index" or "${zendToURL}index.php" instead.

Or even to "${zendToURL}.", as browsers won't display the . you get
what you wanted.

The problem is that the zendToURL still appears around...

I know that I had to change NSSDropoff.php for the download urls to be
without it, I had done these changes:
-      $smarty->assign('downloadURL',
$NSSDROPBOX_URL.'download?claimID=' . $this->_claimID .
'&claimPasscode=' . $this->_claimPasscode .
+      $smarty->assign('downloadURL', 'download?claimID=' .
$this->_claimID . '&claimPasscode=' . $this->_claimPasscode .
-      $smarty->assign('downloadURL',
$NSSDROPBOX_URL.'download.php?claimID=' . $this->_claimID .
'&claimPasscode=' . $this->_claimPasscode .
+      $smarty->assign('downloadURL', 'download.php?claimID=' .
$this->_claimID . '&claimPasscode=' . $this->_claimPasscode .

But I'm also getting it on whatever.new_dropoff.tpl.php as seen on my
cache, which makes dropoff fails. I don't remember where I had fixed
this, I believe it was on the template, but it doesn't work with the
zendToURL="" trick :-(

Manty/BestiaTester -> http://manty.net

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