[ZendTo] Retaining historical usage

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Mon Oct 26 09:25:38 GMT 2020

Hi Greg,

Noted. :-)


On 23/10/2020 22:49, Greg Bullock via ZendTo wrote:
> +1
> Although I'm the source of the original request, I think mine 
> qualifies as an separate vote. :-)
> And to clarify, I requested this for the user sections, as Jules 
> inferred, not in the in the admin section, which already has 
> sufficient logging.
> -Greg
> On 19/10/2020 09:53, Jules via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to> wrote:
>     All,
>     We appear to have about as many '+' votes as '-' votes.
>     And if it is only for admin use (as Massimo says), then John is quite
>     right that all that information is in the logs.
>     If there is any bit of info that is *not* in the logs, please do
>     tell me.
>     When a new drop-off is created, the ZendTo logs include quite a
>     lot of
>     data about it, even including the language they used and what browser
>     they used (set browscap in your php.ini to the browscap.ini file in
>     /opt/zendto/lib and it will interpret the "USER_AGENT" string into
>     something sensible).
>     If you want to search logs, use grep.
>     If you want to search compressed logs, use zgrep.
>     Unless we see lots more '+' votes for this, I'm going to let it lie.
>     Thoughts?
>     Jules.
> -- 
> Regards.
> Greg
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