[ZendTo] Retaining historical usage

Greg Bullock greg at nwra.com
Fri Oct 23 22:49:55 BST 2020

Although I'm the source of the original request, I think mine qualifies as an separate vote. :-)
And to clarify, I requested this for the user sections, as Jules inferred, not in the in the admin section, which already has sufficient logging.

On 19/10/2020 09:53, Jules via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to> wrote:

We appear to have about as many '+' votes as '-' votes.

And if it is only for admin use (as Massimo says), then John is quite 
right that all that information is in the logs.
If there is any bit of info that is *not* in the logs, please do tell me.
When a new drop-off is created, the ZendTo logs include quite a lot of 
data about it, even including the language they used and what browser 
they used (set browscap in your php.ini to the browscap.ini file in 
/opt/zendto/lib and it will interpret the "USER_AGENT" string into 
something sensible).

If you want to search logs, use grep.
If you want to search compressed logs, use zgrep.

Unless we see lots more '+' votes for this, I'm going to let it lie.

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