[ZendTo] help with autorequest

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu May 21 15:55:43 BST 2020

On 21/05/2020 15:06, Luigi Capriotti wrote:
> Tks Junes,
> for the sake of future reference, I figured out the following:
> USERNAME shall be part of the "automationUsers" array in 
> preferences.php - as the comments there clearly describe..
> SENDEREMAIL is actually the email of the internal user who shall 
> receive the file
> RECIPIENTNAME is the email of the external user who is supposed to 
> send the file to SENDEREMAIL
So they are the sender and recipient of the *request*, not the resulting 

> In my case localhost worked just fine, but I trust the proper FQDN 
> must work in all possible cases, maybe combined wit --insecure.
> Happy camper here :)
That's what I like to hear! :-)


> Luigi
> On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 12:20 PM Jules <Jules at zend.to 
> <mailto:Jules at zend.to>> wrote:
>     Luigi,
>     Using https://localhost/ is almost inevitably going to fail. Try
>     using the name of the host that is on the SSL cert that the server
>     is using.
>     Also, the "--insecure" option is there to tell curl to not do all
>     the certificate checks it would normally. That definitely improves
>     its chances of working if you use https://localhost/ !
>     Also, add the "--debug" option to the autorequest command, and it
>     will show you the curl command instead of executing it. Then you
>     can copy and paste that curl command into a shell and run it
>     manually without any of the --silent or other "quietening" option.
>     At which point you can see what's happening.
>     Cheers,
>     Jules.
>     On 21/05/2020 09:40, Luigi Capriotti via ZendTo wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     would anyone please clarify what I am doing wrong with
>>     autorequest, as I invoke the script with:
>>     USERNAME=lcapriotti
>>     SENDEREMAIL=<email of the recipient of the request>
>>     RECIPIENTNAME=<email of the internal user who shall receive the file>
>>     SUBJECT='Test'
>>     NOTE="Test Note"
>>     bash -x /opt/zendto/bin/autorequest --username $USERNAME
>>     --password "$PASSWORD" --senderemail $SENDEREMAIL  --sendername
>>     "$SENDERNAME" --senderorg $SENDERORG \
>>             --subject "$SUBJECT" --passphrase "$PASSPHRASE"
>>     --recipientname "$RECIPIENTNAME" --recipientemail $RECIPIENTEMAIL \
>>             --note "$NOTE" -i https://localhost/
>>     but I cannot get any result - neither as output from the script
>>     nor in practical terms (no requests are generated).
>>     ZendTo logs states I am authenticating correctly though:
>>     2020-05-21 10:39:17 ::1 [ZendTo]: Info: user authentication
>>     verified user as 'lcapriotti'
>>     2020-05-21 10:39:17 ::1 [ZendTo]: Info: Creating request with
>>     encryption enabled
>>     Thanks in advance
>>     Luigi
>>     _______________________________________________
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>     Jules
>     -- 
>     Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>     'People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you
>       repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe
>       it.' - Walter Langer
>     www.Zend.To  <http://www.Zend.To>
>     Twitter: @JulesFM



'I have lost friends, some by death ... others through sheer inability
  to cross the street.' - Virginia Woolf

Twitter: @JulesFM

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