[ZendTo] help with autorequest
Luigi Capriotti
l.capriotti at tiscali.it
Thu May 21 15:06:24 BST 2020
Tks Junes,
for the sake of future reference, I figured out the following:
USERNAME shall be part of the "automationUsers" array in preferences.php -
as the comments there clearly describe..
SENDEREMAIL is actually the email of the internal user who shall receive
the file
RECIPIENTNAME is the email of the external user who is supposed to send the
In my case localhost worked just fine, but I trust the proper FQDN must
work in all possible cases, maybe combined wit --insecure.
Happy camper here :)
On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 12:20 PM Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:
> Luigi,
> Using https://localhost/ is almost inevitably going to fail. Try using
> the name of the host that is on the SSL cert that the server is using.
> Also, the "--insecure" option is there to tell curl to not do all the
> certificate checks it would normally. That definitely improves its chances
> of working if you use https://localhost/ !
> Also, add the "--debug" option to the autorequest command, and it will
> show you the curl command instead of executing it. Then you can copy and
> paste that curl command into a shell and run it manually without any of the
> --silent or other "quietening" option. At which point you can see what's
> happening.
> Cheers,
> Jules.
> On 21/05/2020 09:40, Luigi Capriotti via ZendTo wrote:
> Hi,
> would anyone please clarify what I am doing wrong with autorequest, as I
> invoke the script with:
> USERNAME=lcapriotti
> SENDEREMAIL=<email of the recipient of the request>
> RECIPIENTNAME=<email of the internal user who shall receive the file>
> SUBJECT='Test'
> NOTE="Test Note"
> bash -x /opt/zendto/bin/autorequest --username $USERNAME --password
> "$PASSWORD" --senderemail $SENDEREMAIL --sendername "$SENDERNAME"
> --senderorg $SENDERORG \
> --subject "$SUBJECT" --passphrase "$PASSPHRASE" --recipientname
> --note "$NOTE" -i https://localhost/
> but I cannot get any result - neither as output from the script nor in
> practical terms (no requests are generated).
> ZendTo logs states I am authenticating correctly though:
> 2020-05-21 10:39:17 ::1 [ZendTo]: Info: user authentication verified user
> as 'lcapriotti'
> 2020-05-21 10:39:17 ::1 [ZendTo]: Info: Creating request with encryption
> enabled
> Thanks in advance
> Luigi
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> 'People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you
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