[ZendTo] Drop-off/ClamAV error

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Mar 24 18:07:58 GMT 2020


The "PrivateTmp" workaround is now in the Installer for you.
But yes, Debian 9 won't suffer the same problem.


On 24/03/2020 18:01, Francois via ZendTo wrote:
> Jules,
> I'm just reading your message, I'm sorry... In the present context my 
> users really need a quick exchange solution so I couldn't investigate 
> longer for this issue. I finally install a Debian 9 machine and it 
> works like a charm.
> Thanks a lot for your return. May be someone else can test this 
> "PrivateTmp" setting for you.
> Sorry again, take care.
> Francois
> Le 2020-03-24 18:11, Jules a écrit :
>> Francois and others:
>> (_JKF — this is for Debian 10 only at this point, no reports of
>> similar problems on other systems_)
>> As root, please
>>     systemctl stop apache2
>>     mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d
>> Then create a file in that directory called "PrivateTmp_zendto.conf"
>> In that file, put these 2 lines:
>> [Service]
>> PrivateTmp=false
>> then do
>>     systemctl daemon-reload
>>     systemctl start apache2
>> And it might now work.
>> I've tried all sorts of other nicer workarounds, but this is the only
>> one that appears to work in ZendTo's situation.
>> Please can you give it a try for me?
>> Thanks!
>> Jules.
>> On 24/03/2020 08:10, Francois via ZendTo wrote:
>>> Hi Jules,
>>> I'm not using the Library of files feature and the parameter is
>>> disabled.
>>> It'a  brand new install of ZendTo (Version 5.23-2) so no radical
>>> changes yet except the Active Directory authentication settings.
>>> Some discussions from ClamAV users point the Apache "PrivateTmp"
>>> variable which seems to prevent other service to access files they
>>> put inside. I've disabled it but still getting the same error.
>>> See here: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=364706
>>> Seems to be a ClamAV issue on Debian... I keep on searching.
>>> Francois
>>> Le 2020-03-23 15:12, Jules a écrit :
>>> Francois,
>>> Judging by the error message, this isn't a normal permissions issue.
>>> You are getting a "Not a regular file" error, which is very odd
>>> output
>>> from ClamAV.
>>> If you're using the "Library of files" feature (where you can choose
>>> a
>>> file from a drop-down list as well as upload a new one), that could
>>> potentially trigger this. If so, check the read permissions on all
>>> the
>>> files in the "library" as clamd may not be able to read them.
>>> Hope that helps,
>>> Jules.
>>> On 22/03/2020 18:23, Francois via ZendTo wrote:
>>> Hi all, Hi Jules,
>>> Hope you're going well.
>>> I'm running a fresh ZenTo instance on Debian 10. When dropping-off a
>>> file, I'm getting this error:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>> Error: Virus scan of dropped-off files
>>> /var/zendto/incoming/phpr7iV2U for francois.techxa failed with
>>> /var/zendto/incoming/phpr7iV2U: Not a regular file ERROR
>>> ----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Infected files: 0 Total errors:
>>> 1 Time: 0.000 sec (0 m 0 s)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> As said in the FAQ, I've then relaunched the CLAMAV script
>>> (Ubuntu-Debian/3-clamav.sh) but the issue persists. Here is the
>>> output:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> Sun Mar 22 18:22:24 2020 -> ClamAV update process started at Sun Mar
>>> 22 18:22:24 2020
>>> Sun Mar 22 18:22:24 2020 -> daily.cld database is up to date
>>> (version: 25759, sigs: 2234135, f-level: 63, builder: raynman)
>>> Sun Mar 22 18:22:24 2020 -> main.cvd database is up to date
>>> (version: 59, sigs: 4564902, f-level: 60, builder: sigmgr)
>>> Sun Mar 22 18:22:24 2020 -> bytecode.cvd database is up to date
>>> (version: 331, sigs: 94, f-level: 63, builder: anvilleg)
>>> Allowing ClamAV to read Apache files
>>> Allowing ClamAV through AppArmor to read ZendTo uploads
>>> No need, already done.
>>> Unloading AppArmor profiles
>>> [ ok ] Starting apparmor (via systemctl): apparmor.service.
>>> [ ok ] Reloading apparmor configuration (via systemctl):
>>> apparmor.service.
>>> Starting ClamAV and freshclam daemons
>>> ClamAV has been setup for you to work with ZendTo.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> Any idea on what I'm supposed to do now ?
>>> Could someone also show me his ownership and permissions settings on
>>> the "/var/zendto/incoming" folder just to compare ?
>>> Thank you in advance and take care.
>>> Francois
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>>> -- 
>>> Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
>>> 'A committee is a group of the unwilling, chosen from the unfit,
>>> to do the unnecessary.' - Anon
>>> www.Zend.To [1] [1]
>>> Twitter: @JulesFM
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>> Jules
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>> Julian Field MEng CEng CITP MBCS MIEEE MACM
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