[ZendTo] zendto (5.23-2) Debian 10: " Undefined variable: NSSDROPBOX_PREFS"

zend.to at neilzone.co.uk zend.to at neilzone.co.uk
Tue Mar 24 16:48:30 GMT 2020

It turns out that I am running Ubuntu 18, not Debian 10, on the machine in question.

Adding " global $NSSDROPBOX_PREFS;” to the function in /opt/zendto/lib/NSSDropbox.php means I’m no longer getting error messages in apache2’s ssl_error.log. This is positive.


1.) I cannotI log in or make much use of the system. Instead of a login prompt, I see "Please login above.” 

2.) Users cannot retrieve transfers. When they click on the link (from outside our network), they see only a “drop-off summary” screen, with no option for downloading the files.

I’ve re-run the installer, but no luck with that approach either.

Since I can’t produce any error logs, I’m not sure where to go next with this, other than perhaps look to rolling back to the previous version.

Best wishes



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