[ZendTo] Predefined Drop Offs

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Jul 14 16:32:46 BST 2020

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From: ZendTo <zendto-bounces at zend.to> On Behalf Of Lerato Chipa via ZendTo
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:58 AM
To: ZendTo Users <zendto at zend.to>
Cc: Lerato Chipa <leratochipa at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ZendTo] Predefined Drop Offs

Hi All

May I please be removed from your internal communication.

To be honest, I don’t know how I got onto this list begin with. I do not know anyone here, if there was a link I would understand because I would be able to link being part of this commutation with that person.


On 08 Jul 2020, at 19:54, Jules via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to<mailto:zendto at zend.to>> wrote:


You can basically do all of this now.

Your "Predefined Drop Off(PDO)" is what ZendTo calls a "request for a drop-off". There is a button on the main menu to do exactly this.
You can send these to multiple recipients by putting multiple email addresses in the "Request a drop-off" form, just separate them with commas or spaces.

The rest of it you can do with ZendTo's automation feature, where you can create a "request for a drop-off" from the command-line, and hence from a script. You would need to write something to tie that in to your existing coursework management system, but the scripts that drive ZendTo automatically are actually nothing more than a long "curl" command to do an HTTP POST operation that supplies all the information in 1 hit.

The automation stuff is documented here
and there is a script called "autorequest" which automates the "request a drop-off" process.

Any more questions, problems, or any other way I can help, please do no hesitate to get in touch.

I work for a University myself, and have written coursework submission systems before. A few of our academics use our instance of ZendTo to get coursework submissions from students, especially when they are large submissions like videos of interviews.

Hope that helps,
On 08/07/2020 18:08, Gregg Douglas via ZendTo wrote:
Hey Jules,

I hope you are keeping safe and healthy.

I would like to bounce an idea with you?

Take a Lecturer or Tender Officer, they need to request students to submit assignments or suppliers to submit tenders.

This person (Lecturer or Tender Officer) would then access ZendTO and create a “Predefined Drop Off(PDO)”. In this PDO, one would preselect or predefine all the fields and options. The Subject, would also be predefined, but would be used as a field to group the PDOs. So, for a Lecturer they would use the Subject to define the name of the assignment that the students must submit. A Tender Officer would use the Subject to define the Tender Reference. The Short Note Field could be left as a free text block, allowing the Student or Supplier to include a note. There would also need to be Start and End Date fields, which would define the period the PDO will be active for.

Then, there would need to be an “Alternative” Interface for ZendTO. In this “Alternative” Interface a student or supplier could select the relevant active Assignment or Tender form a list of all active ones. On selecting the required item from the list, the normal process of “Requesting a Drop Off” would follow, like confirming the email address of the student or supplier via the verification email. The link in this email would open the PDO with all the predefined fields and the student or supplier can then upload and submit the information.

It was a thought I have for a future feature.



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