[ZendTo] Predefined Drop Offs

Luigi Capriotti l.capriotti at tiscali.it
Sun Jul 12 14:29:51 BST 2020

Hi Jules,

>There would also need to be Start and End Date fields, which would define
the period the PDO will be active for.
this is not 100% feasible right now, isn't it.
Acknowledging the start date is not easily implemented with the current
backend library, I would envisage the availability of an "advanced" PDO
setup option where the end of the drop-off validity can be set based on
calendar/time pickers. The specified timestamp would be used to calculate
the validity of the drop-off in minutes.


On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 7:55 PM Jules via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to> wrote:

> Gregg,
> You can basically do all of this now.
> Your "Predefined Drop Off(PDO)" is what ZendTo calls a "request for a
> drop-off". There is a button on the main menu to do exactly this.
> You can send these to multiple recipients by putting multiple email
> addresses in the "Request a drop-off" form, just separate them with commas
> or spaces.
> The rest of it you can do with ZendTo's automation feature, where you can
> create a "request for a drop-off" from the command-line, and hence from a
> script. You would need to write something to tie that in to your existing
> coursework management system, but the scripts that drive ZendTo
> automatically are actually nothing more than a long "curl" command to do an
> HTTP POST operation that supplies all the information in 1 hit.
> The automation stuff is documented here
>     zend.to/automation
> and there is a script called "autorequest" which automates the "request a
> drop-off" process.
> Any more questions, problems, or any other way I can help, please do no
> hesitate to get in touch.
> I work for a University myself, and have written coursework submission
> systems before. A few of our academics use our instance of ZendTo to get
> coursework submissions from students, especially when they are large
> submissions like videos of interviews.
> Hope that helps,
> Jules.
> On 08/07/2020 18:08, Gregg Douglas via ZendTo wrote:
> Hey Jules,
> I hope you are keeping safe and healthy.
> I would like to bounce an idea with you?
> Take a Lecturer or Tender Officer, they need to request students to submit
> assignments or suppliers to submit tenders.
> This person (Lecturer or Tender Officer) would then access ZendTO and
> create a “Predefined Drop Off(PDO)”. In this PDO, one would preselect or
> predefine all the fields and options. The Subject, would also be
> predefined, but would be used as a field to group the PDOs. So, for a
> Lecturer they would use the Subject to define the name of the assignment
> that the students must submit. A Tender Officer would use the Subject to
> define the Tender Reference. The Short Note Field could be left as a free
> text block, allowing the Student or Supplier to include a note. There would
> also need to be Start and End Date fields, which would define the period
> the PDO will be active for.
> Then, there would need to be an “Alternative” Interface for ZendTO. In
> this “Alternative” Interface a student or supplier could select the
> relevant active Assignment or Tender form a list of all active ones. On
> selecting the required item from the list, the normal process of
> “Requesting a Drop Off” would follow, like confirming the email address of
> the student or supplier via the verification email. The link in this email
> would open the PDO with all the predefined fields and the student or
> supplier can then upload and submit the information.
> It was a thought I have for a future feature.
> Regards
> Gregg
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