[ZendTo] Fill in organization from AD attribute

Ionescu Gigel downloadmalware at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 07:04:32 GMT 2020

Thanks for the answer Jules, I changed auth to AD and now is better, things
are working as expected.
I would not like to let people change this attribute in the UI, setting the
html attribute "disabled" to this field would work?

În vin., 21 feb. 2020 la 11:27, Jules <Jules at zend.to> a scris:

> Ionescu,
> If you are using AD, you should be using the AD authenticator and not the
> LDAP authenticator. They are not quite the same thing.
> As for the "organization" versus "company" attributes, if the organization
> attribute is empty, the company attribute is copied into it. That means the
> rest of ZendTo can continue to call it 'organization' without worrying
> about Microsoft's naming conventions.
> If the LDAP attributes for a user include the "company" attribute, that
> will be used as the "organization" in ZendTo. If there is no "company"
> attribute, then the preferences.php setting "authLDAPOrganization1" (for
> the first forest searched) is used instead.
> Hopefully that explains things a bit better.
> Cheers,
> Jules.
> On 11/02/2020 3:41 pm, Ionescu Gigel via ZendTo wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to fill in the organization field automatically from AD.
> I would like to know how the authLDAPOrganization option really works and
> if my understanding is right.
> I read some old posts from the time this option was introduced, but I
> still don't get it. As far as I see what I put in that option that will be
> the default text for internal authenticated users.
> From the lib/NSSLDAPAuthenticator.php code in $attributeNames array I see
> you are trying to get some "organization" attribute. Actually, this will be
> always empty as AD stores the name of the company in "company" attribute,
> so few lines down if (!@$response['organization']) does not make any sense.
> Can someone enlight me, please?
> As I said, my goal would be to have the organization from AD if
> authLDAPOrganization is empty or if I set the AD attribute where I store
> the name of the organization.
> Regards,
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