[ZendTo] Installer issue using RHEL7 - wrong PHP version

David Jones djones at ena.com
Thu Mar 7 01:14:49 GMT 2019

Are you running real RHEL7?  If you are running a RHEL variant like CentOS 7 then it's a bit easier.  Real RHEL7 has a few extra steps like installing the EPEL repo first:  https://ius.io/GettingStarted/

Get the IUS repo installed manually and run "yum list" to see if there are any errors then Google from there.

When I run "yum list | grep php7" on CentOS 7, I get a long list of packages.  I bet if you can get this sorted then the installer would work fine.


From: ZendTo <zendto-bounces at zend.to> on behalf of Miguel Brostrom via ZendTo <zendto at zend.to>
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 6:57 PM
To: zendto at zend.to
Cc: Miguel Brostrom
Subject: [ZendTo] Installer issue using RHEL7 - wrong PHP version

Hi all,

Being a relatively new hire I’ve been tasked with updated our older RHEL 6 systems to RHEL 7. I’ve recently come to our ZendTo server and realized it was time for a fresh install and noticed there was installer over on the ZendTo website. The installer said
Good, you are on CentOS or RedHat 6 or later, so PHP 7 is available ready-built.
Adding the IUS repo.

The repo begins to install but never get’s installed and gives the error: Public key for ius-release.rpm is not installed

error: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/IUS-COMMUNITY-GPG-KEY: import read failed(2).

The installer then proceeds “I am going to install the latest PHP I can find, which is php.”

It then installs php.x86_64 0:5.4.16-46.el7, which is not PHP 7 or higher and does not contain the sodium module that is required.

The installer keeps going through the end. After the reboot I’m asked to go the website’s homepage, which turns out to be the Apache test page.

Any ideas on where to go from here? I was asked to keep the OS RHEL7.

Thanks in advance for any help,

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