[ZendTo] zendto.multi-domain.com, shared backend

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Sun Apr 21 10:52:33 BST 2019


I would be very surprised if this worked. In the database tables, there 
are auto-incrementing counters that give out unique numbers for things 
(if you wander the db schema, you'll find "dID" for example). If you 
merge 2 copies into the same db, those numbers are going to clash and 
all sorts of nasty things.

I would just force new drop-offs onto the new setup and let the old 
setup expire in a month or whatever.


On 16/04/2019 6:00 pm, Kris Lou via ZendTo wrote:
> All,
> Previously, I ran dual copies of the /opt/zendto directories and 
> pointed the data and library directories to the same location.  Apache 
> webroots were pointing to different locations, and those had 
> respective config files.
> I've since merged the two (and adjusted text accordingly), and both 
> domains point to a single installation, but I can apparently only 
> dropoff when accessing via one domain -- the one that matches 
> "serverRoot" in preferences.php.  Otherwise, it complains of "Note 
> that you cannot drop-off directories, only files."
> Is there any way to whitelist this 2nd root URL?  Adding a 2nd value 
> to serverRoot?
> Not the end of the world if I can't, but thought I'd ask.
> Thanks,
> Kris Lou
> klou at themusiclink.net <mailto:klou at themusiclink.net>
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  How heavily it dies
  Into the west away;
  Past touch and sight and sound
  Not further to be found,
  How hopeless under ground
    Falls the remorseful day.' - A.E.Houseman

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