[ZendTo] ANNOUNCE: 5.13-1 released (production release)
Jules Field
Jules at Zend.To
Fri Sep 21 16:41:37 BST 2018
I have just done a production release of 5.13-1.
It is available in the new GPG-signed yum and apt repos (see
zend.to/yum.php and zend.to/apt.php).
You should do new installations with the ZendTo Installer.
All available now from
There is a full list of all the gory detail in the ChangeLog for the
5.12 beta releases, but here's a summary:
- Users can change language themselves on-the-fly while using ZendTo.
- Process for internal users creating a new drop-off has been
streamlined, making it a lot faster to use in simple cases.
- After creating a new drop-off, the sender can easily copy the direct
pick-up link to their clipboard, in case they would rather send their
own email to the recipients than have ZendTo send an automated one.
- Improved page layout of new-dropoff and results pages to reduce scrolling.
- Can now hide all traces of ".php" extensions in the web interface and
all emails+links generated by ZendTo, so your users don't see that it is
written in PHP. Note this requires modification to your Apache config,
see the preferences.php setting 'hidePHP' for details. All existing
published links will continue to work as before.
- Active Directory authentication now supports TLS as well as SSL.
- Improved logging of new drop-offs so you can measure feature usage.
- zendto.log file now auto-rolled by logrotate, and default location
moved to /var/log/zendto instead of /var/zendto.
- Default Apache log file location moved slightly to separate out ZendTo
web logs from other virtualhosts.
- 'X-Frame-Options' header added (configurable), and 'SameSite' cookie
attribute added to improve security of ZendTo against CSRF attacks.
- Increased default timeouts for 'cookieTTL' and PHP settings on new
installations to 8-12 hours instead of 2 hours.
- Installer fixed for Ubuntu 18.04.1 due to significant Apache and PHP
changes by Ubuntu, compared to 18.04.
- Improved upgrade_preferences_php so it correctly handles arrays split
over several lines.
- Fixed all known bugs.
Please let me know how you get on!
Enjoy your weekend.
The current UK shipping forecast:
Trafalgar: Northerly 5 or 6 in southeast, otherwise variable 3 or 4. Moderate
or rough. Showers. Good.
Twitter: @JulesFM
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