[ZendTo] Beta testers and Translators -- please help! NEW VERSION IMMINENT

Mr filesender jamesmm1 at gmx.com
Fri Jun 22 10:20:01 BST 2018

firstly, thank you for your work on this project.

i have used the installer to upgrade from 5.09-6 to 5.09-9 . the installer completed successfully. one thing to note is that it did not recognise 7.2 in place and reinstalled it. here is the output :

You have a version of PHP installed which is earlier than 7.2.
I need to totally remove that first,
along with packages that depend on it, as shown here:
  libapache2-mod-php7.2* php-common* php7.2* php7.2-cli* php7.2-common*
  php7.2-curl* php7.2-enchant* php7.2-gd* php7.2-imap* php7.2-intl*
  php7.2-json* php7.2-ldap* php7.2-mbstring* php7.2-mysql* php7.2-opcache*
  php7.2-readline* php7.2-sqlite3* php7.2-xml*

the environment is debian 9

Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 4:49 PM
From: "Jules Field via ZendTo" <zendto at zend.to>
To: "ZendTo Users" <zendto at zend.to>
Cc: "Jules Field" <Jules at Zend.To>
Subject: [ZendTo] Beta testers and Translators -- please help! NEW VERSION IMMINENT

I have spent the past few weeks implementing some new features in ZendTo.

The big one is secure encryption and decryption of drop-offs.
But there are others such as a cookie+GDPR consent box (optional, don't
worry!), and a nice new "Download All Files" button to save your poor
users having to click so much when picking up a drop-off.

Inevitably, that means there is some new text in the user interface.
If my lovely translators could get to work on those new strings, that
would be wonderful!

Also, the new beta version requires a PHP upgrade from the previous
version. In some cases that is a major PHP upgrade!
So I have improved the installer so that it will now upgrade your
system, as well as do a fresh install on new installations.

So please can you (as root)
    curl http://zend.to/files/install-beta.ZendTo.tgz
    tar xzf install-beta.ZendTo.tgz
    cd install.ZendTo

and confirm that everything works.

I have tested the installer on both fresh installs and upgrades on
CentOS 6+7, RedHat 6+7, Ubuntu 14+16+18, Debian 8+9 and it works for me.

If you just upgrade the ZendTo package itself, without upgrading PHP, it
will tell you about that on the main menu.

So please give it a try and let me know what you think!

Thanks all,



'People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you
repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe
it.' - Walter Langer

Twitter: @JulesFM
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