[ZendTo] Request for help for a new feature

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Jan 18 15:18:02 GMT 2018


That looks perfect, many thanks. I have used the 32x32 versions, as 
anything smaller than that is totally transparent so doesn't look as 
good. So the list of files in a drop-off is a bit taller than it was. 
But they look great, and their icon file naming scheme makes it 
ridiculously simple to code.

I'm fixing a few other bugs I (and others) have found, so as soon as 
they are done there will be a new (and possibly final???) beta for you 
to test.


On 16/01/2018 17:26, Adam Thorn wrote:
> On 16/01/2018 16:56, Jules wrote:
>> However we do it, I need a library of filetype icons. And yes, Google
>> will find you zillions of the things. But...
>> 1) it needs to be either free or very cheap,
>> 2) it needs to be free to redistribute,
>> 3) it needs to not break anyone's copyright (so you can't raid artwork
>> from the original app),
>> 4) it needs to work at a small display size,
>> 5) there need to be enough different icons for it to be worth the
>> bother, and
>> 6) it needs to look good.
>> Do any of you know of a decent set of filetype icons that fit those
>> requirements?
>> I'm struggling to find one.
> I've tended to look at Gnome desktop themes for this sort of thing in
> the past, e.g.
> https://github.com/vinceliuice/emerald-icon-theme
> 1-3) it's under a Creative Commons license (specifically, CC BY-SA 4.0)
> 4) they're SVGs, with variants aimed at 16/32/64 pixel size
> 5) About 500 mimemtypes look to be handled in
> https://github.com/vinceliuice/emerald-icon-theme/tree/master/Emerald/mimetypes/16
> , with 140 distinct icons (some entries in the list are symlinks)
> 6) I think they look fine, but that's a matter of personal preference :)
> Adam
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