[ZendTo] Upload from UNC path fails

Viktor Steinmann stony at stony.com
Mon Jan 15 14:42:58 GMT 2018

SELinux is not in use...

The OS is CentOS 7.4.1708 (x86_64)

I upgraded from the current release version (4.28-2 (working fine)) to 
4.99-5 and now today to 4.99-6.

For the migration to 4.99-6 I unpacked the .tgz in a new directory and 
manually adjusted the files in the /conf directory according to the 
values in the original, working 4.28-2 configuration (manual 
side-by-side comparison). My ZendTo installation runs in a symlink 
configuration pointing to the correct version, so I just adjusted to 
symlink to the new version afterwards. That allows me to switch back to 
the old version fast, by just restoring the original symlink.

lrwxrwxrwx  1 apache apache   13 Jan 15 13:54 zendto -> ZendTo-4.28-2
drwxr-xr-x 12 apache apache 4096 Nov 21 11:19 ZendTo-4.28-2
drwxr-xr-x 12 apache apache 4096 Jan  9 13:21 ZendTo-4.99-5
drwxr-xr-x 12 apache apache 4096 Jan 12 17:04 ZendTo-4.99-6

I hope there's no hard-coded path called /var/zendto, because I adjusted 
that in the variable NSSDROPBOX_DATA_DIR in preferences.php to adapt our 
default server configuration.

I wonder if it would make any difference to let the "installer"-thingy 
do it's job...?

Kind regards,


On 15.01.2018 15:12, Jules wrote:
> If you are running SELinux (run the command "sestatus" to find out), 
> then just looking at the filesystem permissions won't help you.
> If "sestatus" says something like "enforcing", then try this command 
> to reset the SELinux rules on /var/zendto:
>     restorecon -F -R /var/zendto
> and then restart the web server.
> Obviously you need to do all of that as root. :)
> What version of what OS are you using? What version of ZendTo did you 
> upgrade *from*, and how?
> Cheers,
> Jules.
> On 15/01/2018 12:54, Viktor Steinmann wrote:
>> OK, I have updated to 4.99-6 and tried again with open JavaScript 
>> console and different browsers.
>> The error is now much more specific:
>> Now I'm getting "Upload Error /  A unique directory to contain your 
>> dropped-off files could not be created. Please notify the system 
>> administrator."
>> The apache log file shows "PHP Warning:  mkdir(): No such file or 
>> directory in 
>> /var/www/html/my.domain.com/ZendTo-4.99-6/lib/NSSDropbox.php on line 
>> 1147, referer: https://my.domain.com/verify.php"
>> The line reads: "if ( 
>> mkdir($this->_dropboxDirectory."/$claimID",0700) ) {"
>> So I might have a rights issue on the file system. However all 
>> directories belong to apache:apache (checked multiple times). Any 
>> hints as where the permissions could be wrong?
>> Kind regards,
>> Viktor
>>  if ( mkdir($this->_dropboxDirectory."/$claimID",0700) )
>> On 12.01.2018 17:08, Jules wrote:
>>> Viktor,
>>> The error message in the alert box is a "best guess" of the most 
>>> likely cause of why the upload failed.
>>> It can fail for all sorts of reasons, a lot of them to do with 
>>> security restrictions imposed by web browsers on what JavaScript 
>>> code can and cannot do (and look at).
>>> Take a look at your JavaScript console, as that is the only place 
>>> anything useful might be written.
>>> I have tried to get the error message itself in JavaScript, but all 
>>> I ever get is "undefined" or "error".
>>> Fat lot of use that is. :-(
>>> Also, try it on a different browser.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jules.
>>> On 12/01/2018 13:03, Viktor Steinmann wrote:
>>>> Hi all
>>>> I installed the latest beta today on Centos7 (2018/01/12) and it works
>>>> quite well so far (and looks nice, btw). However when trying to 
>>>> upload a
>>>> single file from an UNC path, the software complains, that uploading a
>>>> complete directory is not supported. Strangely enough, this happens
>>>> after successfully adding the file to the list of uploads, when 
>>>> clicking
>>>> on "Drop off files".
>>>> Anybody else with this problem?
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Viktor
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>>> Jules
> Jules

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