[ZendTo] ANNOUNCE: Version 5 public beta available

John Thurston john.thurston at alaska.gov
Tue Jan 9 20:13:44 GMT 2018

On 1/7/2018 12:39 PM, Jules wrote:
> Well, it's out there. I think it works.
> Now it's time for you folks to help test it and find the bits that don't !!!
> See
>       http://zend.to/beta.php
> for instructions, and please read the notes before you try a fresh
> install (with the beta installer at
> http://zend.to/files/install-beta.ZendTo.tgz) or any form of an upgrade.

I'd love to try V5. I see lots of references to the installer, but no 
longer see any human-readable notes regarding 
build/install/dependencies. To install this on Solaris, will I just need 
to unwind the install script to learn what packages are required?

Have non-linux operating systems finally fallen off the back of the 
support truck?

    Do things because you should, not just because you can.

John Thurston    907-465-8591
John.Thurston at alaska.gov
Department of Administration
State of Alaska

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