[ZendTo] ZendTo installer improvements

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Feb 1 15:04:05 GMT 2018


I have made a couple of improvements to the ZendTo installer, one of 
which is very useful to CentOS / RedHat users.

1. On CentOS and RedHat 6 and 7, PHP no longer gets patched and rebuilt 
from source at all. Instead it installs PHP 7 from the IUS repo run by 
Rackspace, which does not need patching in the first place. So no more 
custom RPMs that are a pain to update! The installer can now also 
migrate you from the custom RPMs to the IUS ones. Just run stage 2 of 
the installer (see below), followed by stage 5 to ensure the PHP config 
is correct.
2. On all systems, it will try hard to automatically deduce your 
timezone so that you do not have to choose it by hand. This is very 
useful if you install with "./install.sh --defaults" as it will now do 
the *entire* setup process without any user input at all.

To Run Stage 2:
Download and unpack the installer.
cd into it.
cd into the "CentOS-RedHat" or "Ubuntu-Debian" directory as appropriate.
Each of the stages is numbered, and can be run independently. You do not 
need to run install.sh for them to work. They will realise they are not 
being run by install.sh and will ask you the same initial questions that 
install.sh does.

The update to 5.00-2 itself is very minor, but does include Everton 
Bernardi's pt_BR translation. Thanks Everton!
There is 1 new string in the translation files which will need 
translating. Look for one that starts "You must be logged in" and you 
will find it.
If the translators can please send me their translations of that 
particular string, I will include those in the next release.


P.S. Next new feature to appear will be SHA256 checksums of drop-offs 
(unless they're too big and the checksums will take too long to 
calculate), due to a request from our Legal department here in 
Southampton. (I like keeping our pet lawyers happy, they're very useful 
to have on my side! :-)



'People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you
  repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe
  it.' - Walter Langer

Twitter: @JulesFM
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