[ZendTo] Unable to write to DB

Dariusz Radoszek darek at willowelectric.com
Fri Nov 11 14:29:46 GMT 2016

On 11/11/2016 6:42 AM, Jules wrote:
> If you
>      select * from file;
> does it list all the files, including recent ones?

mysql> select * from file;
Empty set (0.01 sec)

But I don't have any existing dropoffs there so I think it should be 
empty. And I can't add anything new because of that error.

> I'm wondering if it's a MySQL permissions problem. Can you use
> /opt/zendto/bin/adduser.php to add a user to the "usertable"?
> If it lets you, then do
>      select * from usertable;
> to check your new user is actually there.

Yes I can add new user and it shows in usertable and can login trough web.

It stopped working after I upgraded from MySQL 5.5 to 5.6. I didn't 
change anything else.

Dariusz Radoszek

> On 10/11/2016 17:56, Dariusz Radoszek wrote:
>> mysql> show tables;
>> +------------------+
>> | Tables_in_zendto |
>> +------------------+
>> | addressbook      |
>> | authtable        |
>> | dropoff          |
>> | file             |
>> | librarydesc      |
>> | loginlog         |
>> | pickup           |
>> | recipient        |
>> | regexps          |
>> | reqtable         |
>> | usertable        |
>> +------------------+
>> 11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>> I recreated database but it didn't help.
> Jules

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