[ZendTo] Display name in request email

Lavigne, Dustin (CCNB) Dustin.Lavigne at ccnb.ca
Thu Jan 14 14:22:25 GMT 2016

Hi List!

Just finishing up an install of ZendTo, and I love it!

Only thing that I've noticed so far, that I haven't able to fix:

In the request email template, the {$fromName} variable will not display parentheses. For example,  " Last Name, First Name (Company) " appears simply as " Last Name, First Name Company ". Also, it seems to be truncating the person's name. (eg. "Last Name, First Na" )

Any clue on how I could get this to display properly? The parentheses and names show up fine on all of the other templates. (Dropoff, Pickup, Verify)

Thank you so much.

-          Dustin
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