[ZendTo] Re: Resend notice does not reset pick up period.

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Mon May 25 11:31:37 BST 2015


Bug well spotted. I will add some code into the resend functionality to 
"touch" the datestamp on the dropoff. That'll be the easiest way of 
implementing it. It will just reset the retention period countdown when 
a dropoff is resent.

It's long past time I did some work on ZendTo, I'll see what I can get 
done this week.


On 20/05/2015 03:31, Greg Clarke wrote:
> Hi there
> We have a 7 day retention period for pick up.  The pick up notice 
> advertises this 7 day retention period.  If the drop off user resends 
> the notice 5 days into the retention period via the resend button the 
> second notice to the pick up party states the pick up period is 7 
> days.  However after the original 7 day period expires the drop off is 
> auto deleted. The pick up party then attempting to pick up on day 4 of 
> the 7 day period of the second notice is told that the payload is not 
> available for pick up as the retention period has expired and of 
> course lodges a complaint.
> Either the second notice needs to state the remaining number of days 
> the pick is being retained or the act of resending the notice needs to 
> reset the retention period countdown.  Personally I would prefer the 
> latter solution as it gives the drop off party the option of extending 
> a pick up period.
> Have a good day.
> Thanks
> Greg
> Greg Clarke
> SysProg, SAD, ITS
> The University of Waikato
> New Zealand
> http://www.waikato.ac.nz
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