[ZendTo] Re: Auto-deletion of files

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Mon Mar 23 14:47:16 GMT 2015

On 23/03/2015 14:35, Greg Mills wrote:
> Hi Grey and Jules,
> Thanks for the feedback. It's always good to hear from people who have 
> used the product for a while.
You could say I've used it for a while :-)
> I think the dropoff lifetime setting could work for us. As long as 
> data is not left on the server for an unreasonable length of time, 
> I'll be happy.
Most people set the life time to 2-4 weeks.
> Our current FTP server had data from 2010 just sitting there because 
> no one has been managing it.
One of the great advantages of ZendTo is that you don't need to do 
anything to it, it self-manages. My install of it here 
(dropoff.soton.ac.uk) gets about 800GB per month uploaded to it, and 
requires absolute zero maintenance effort.
> Thanks, I'll give it a try.
> Do you find it stable and is help from the developer available at all 
> if needed?
Most people find that once it's all setup and running (not hard), it 
looks after itself.
> I notice he's not offering commercial supp[ort contracts at this time.
Sorry, I don't have the energy to do out-of-office-hours support work on 
it, and the University keep me occupied doing other things these days.


> Regards
> On 23 March 2015 at 14:07, Gray McCord <gdm at sangabriel.com 
> <mailto:gdm at sangabriel.com>> wrote:
>     I believe there are two mechanisms that can be used by Zendto to
>     delete uploaded files. The one I think you are referring to is
>     where a user manually deletes a dropoff. In my experience, this is
>     very rarely used by my users. The other mechanism is a system-wide
>     auto delete, where the admin can set a lifetime for all dropoffs
>     after which the system deletes them.  I believe the default is 2
>     weeks, but you can set it to whatever you want in the config file.
>     As far as I know, there is no mechanism built into Zendto to
>     auto-delete right after a dropoff is downloaded, although a little
>     php code could solve that if you need it.
>     I’ve been using Zendto for a couple of years now, and my users
>     love it.  No more asking IT to set up an ftp account for a one-off
>     file transfer.
>     Hope this helps,
>     Gray
>     Gray McCord
>     /Adapt, Mutate, Migrate, or Die/
>     -C. Darwin
>     From: Greg Mills
>     Reply-To: ZendTo Users
>     Date: Monday, March 23, 2015 at 7:57 AM
>     To: <zendto at zend.to <mailto:zendto at zend.to>>
>     Subject: [ZendTo] Auto-deletion of files
>     Hi all, I'm looking for a simple file transfer solution for our
>     business. I would like something that allows staff to send files
>     without my involvement, to anyone they have an email address for,
>     and have the file auto-delete after the recipient has downloaded it.
>     Zendto looks as though it would do this, apart from the
>     auto-delete. Is there a preference to remove the user's control
>     over file deletion?
>     Thanks
>     -- 
>     *Greg Mills*
>     IT Manager
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> *Greg Mills*
> IT Manager
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