[ZendTo] Re: rpmbuild -ba recode.spec error

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed Oct 2 15:39:08 BST 2013

If after rebuilding it, a >4GB file uploaded and downloaded fine with an 
intact checksum, then clearly what you have done works.

On 02/10/2013 14:16, Moon Wong wrote:
> Dear all
> I'm trying to do a manual install of ZendTo 6.11-12 on to a 64bit 
> VirtualBox CentOS 6.4 minimal server build.
> When I rebuild PHP I get an error when trying to build the recode 
> application with rpmbuild -ba recode.spec
> http://www.zend.to/phpfixrhel6.php
> The build crashes out with the following error:
> "checking host system type... Invalid configuration 
> `x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu': machine `x86_64-redhat' not recognized"
> 1.I have no experience with rpmbuild, but from experimenting I have 
> found that I can get around this by editing the spec file and 
> appending --host=linux-gnu --build=linux-gnu --target=linux-gnu to 
> %configure
> 2.Or if I replace config.sub and config.guess in the file 
> /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/recode-3.6.tar.gz with later versions from the 
> link below:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/config_002eguess.html
> Is either of these methods safe to use? When I tested ZendTo 
> afterwards with a 4GB file I was able to up/download and the md5sum of 
> the file seems good.
> Many thanks in advance
> -------
> Moon
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