[ZendTo] Re: Per-user library

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Jan 8 15:18:01 GMT 2013

On 08/01/2013 15:05, Achim J. Latz wrote:
> Hello list:
> On 08/01/2013 15:16, Achim J. Latz wrote:
>> I had not realised that; creating a USERNAME folder below library indeed
>> restricts the user to selecting files from that particular folder.
>> Now I just have to figure out the WebDAV side, as you pointed out.
> After adding this to 000-zendto (just above the <Location /library> tag):
>       RewriteEngine On
>       BrowserMatch "^WebDAVLib/1.*" redirect-carefully
>       RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)
>       RewriteRule ^/library(.*) /var/zendto/library/%1$1

Also note that in the UI if you have per-user directories and a user 
doesn't have a directory, they get the global top-level files if there 
are any, and they don't get shown the option of selecting a file at all 
if there aren't any files there. So you can just implement the library 
for those users who need it, without confusing all the rest of your 
users who won't understand it.
> users can connect via WebDAV to zendto.domain.tld and see only their
> specific sub-folder.
> The only remaining challenge is to auto-generate the user-specific
> folders, otherwise Apache returns a 404 during the first (WebDAV) log-in
> attempt, beacuse the user's folder does not exist... any ideas?
Sorry, not a clue. Way beyond my Apache abilities (which are very 
limited, as you can probably tell :-)
Can you script what happens as it processes a .htaccess? Some sort an 
option that causes a script to run?
> Jules, would it also be possible to make the search for library files to
> show in the drop-down menu recursive? At the moment, only the top level
> of any hierarchy is shown.
Possible, yes. Do you want them to be shown in the UI with the directory 
name and / separator?
> It would be very handy to be able to create sub-folders and select files
> contained in those sub-folders as well (e.g.
> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/project_1 and
> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/project_2, as opposed to
> /var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/ ONLY at the moment).
The snag is that it will need to show the subdirectories for user 
folders, but not for the global list. As the folders off that *are* the 
users. Bit messy...


Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng

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