[ZendTo] Re: Per-user library

Achim J. Latz achim+zendto at qustodium.net
Tue Jan 8 15:05:58 GMT 2013

Hello list:

On 08/01/2013 15:16, Achim J. Latz wrote:
> I had not realised that; creating a USERNAME folder below library indeed
> restricts the user to selecting files from that particular folder.
> Now I just have to figure out the WebDAV side, as you pointed out.

After adding this to 000-zendto (just above the <Location /library> tag):

     RewriteEngine On
     BrowserMatch "^WebDAVLib/1.*" redirect-carefully
     RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)
     RewriteRule ^/library(.*) /var/zendto/library/%1$1

users can connect via WebDAV to zendto.domain.tld and see only their 
specific sub-folder.

The only remaining challenge is to auto-generate the user-specific 
folders, otherwise Apache returns a 404 during the first (WebDAV) log-in 
attempt, beacuse the user's folder does not exist... any ideas?

Jules, would it also be possible to make the search for library files to 
show in the drop-down menu recursive? At the moment, only the top level 
of any hierarchy is shown.

It would be very handy to be able to create sub-folders and select files 
contained in those sub-folders as well (e.g. 
/var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/project_1 and 
/var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/project_2, as opposed to 
/var/zendto/library/user at domain.tld/ ONLY at the moment).

Cheers, Achim

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