[ZendTo] Re: ZendTo ANNOUNCE: Release 4.11

Achim J. Latz achim+zendto at qustodium.net
Tue Jan 8 11:30:28 GMT 2013

Hello Jules:

First of all, happy and healthy 2013 to you and the list!

On 05/01/2013 17:30, Jules wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have just released the new version 4.11-6 stable.

Secondly, many thanks for ZendTo, really wonderful!

Some observations after the latest upgrade (on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x64):

	1) You change/override several sensitive and global parameters in 
/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, such as error_reporting, display_errors, and 
apc.slam_defense (which in any case should be 0, not "Off" [1]).

I wonder if this is prudent, especially for error_reporting and 
display_errors, whose "production value" is hopefully different from the 
values that you want to use. Doesn't it make more sense to fix 
errors/clean up code rather than adjust error_reporting?

	2) Even WITH the changes above, I still get the following errors:

/usr/bin/php /opt/zendto/sbin/rrdInit.php /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: ZENDTOPREFS in 
/opt/zendto/sbin/rrdInit.php on line 6
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: SERVER_PORT in 
/opt/zendto/lib/NSSDropbox.php on line 41
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: HTTPS in /opt/zendto/lib/NSSDropbox.php on 
line 42
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: HTTPS in /opt/zendto/lib/NSSDropbox.php on 
line 48
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: SERVER_NAME in 
/opt/zendto/lib/NSSDropbox.php on line 48
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: REQUEST_URI in 
/opt/zendto/lib/NSSDropbox.php on line 48
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: authIMAPAdmins in 
/opt/zendto/lib/NSSIMAPAuthenticator.php on line 36
/usr/bin/rrdtool update /var/zendto/rrd/zendto.rrd 1357340400:2:2:9522.4

ERROR: /var/zendto/rrd/zendto.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 
1357340400 when last update time is 1357599600 (minimum one second step)
/usr/bin/rrdtool update /var/zendto/rrd/zendto.rrd 1357599600:1:3:1128.4

ERROR: /var/zendto/rrd/zendto.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 
1357599600 when last update time is 1357599600 (minimum one second step)

/usr/bin/php /opt/zendto/sbin/rrdUpdate.php 
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: ZENDTOPREFS in 
/opt/zendto/sbin/rrdUpdate.php on line 4

So clearly IF you want to update php.ini, shouldn't the one for CLI also 
be updated?

3) Every once in a while, I get this error (on drop-off I believe):
Warning: SQLiteDatabase::queryExec(): addressbook.lastused may not be 
NULL in /opt/zendto/lib/SQLite.php on line 982

Other than that, great piece of software!

Best regards, Achim

[1] <http://php.net/manual/en/apc.configuration.php#ini.apc.slam-defense>

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